Our Team

Remi Sovran

Before we get started, you're probably wondering who Remi is? Well, my journey is rather interesting; it started about 9 years ago when I suffered a severe lower back injury (L5-S1 Disc Herniation), causing unbearable sciatica and depression. Unfortunately, I did not receive proper help from the medical practitioners I worked with, and I had to give up sports and weight training. Frustrated with the system and not getting results, I decided to take my recovery into my own hands.

As a Human Kinetics undergraduate student at the time, I had a good understanding of the human body and further began to advance my knowledge by reading research articles on the spine. After reading hundreds of journal articles on the spine and creating my own individualized rehab program, I made a pain-free recovery and returned to athletics.

Throughout this time, I completed a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Human Kinetics (Focus in Exercise Physiology); and worked with the Toronto Raptors (NBA), and Windsor Spitfires (OHL) in a strength and conditioning role.

After finishing my Master's degree, I started a personal training business, now known as Ambassador Fitness & Performance, where I specialize in helping people overcome lower back pain and helping those with busy lifestyles improve their health and fitness in 30-minute training sessions. My mission now is to help as many people as possible eliminate lower back pain and achieve their health and fitness goals.

In addition, to running my own business, you should know a few other things about me. I'm a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, Certified Basketball Speed Specialist via Lee Taft, McGill Method Certified through BackFitPro and my Master's thesis, "The Physiological Effects of Adding a Percentage of Bodyweight to a 7-Week Stair Climbing Sprint Interval Training Program," was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Also, I self-published my first book two years ago titled 30 Days of Low Back Pain - A Strength Coach's Guide to Eliminate Low Back Pain, which has been sold in over 20 countries worldwide.

These days most of my time is spent heavily involved in the health and fitness community in Windsor as I currently serve as the Owner and Founder of Ambassador Fitness & Performance, Head Coach at the Skillz Factory Windsor, and previously served as the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the University of Windsor Women’s Basketball team during the 2021-2022 season.

Chelsea Gaffan

Hello movers and shakers from near and far! Coach Chelsea here, proud to introduce myself as one of the Certified Personal Trainers here at Ambassador Fitness and Performance. 

My journey to becoming a CPT through the National Academy of Sports Medicine has been nothing short of one of the most invaluable learning experiences I’ve had in my life, and I’m so excited to invite you to be a part of that learning. Currently studying to become a Certified Nutrition Coach through NASM, I look forward to continuing to expand my skillset and become the most comprehensive lifestyle coach I can be. 

In my last ten years, the gym has gone from being an intimidating place I wished to avoid, to feeling like work, then home, and now- it’s my playground. I can appreciate that this may not be the case for all of my clients, but we can definitely work together to make moving your body a rewarding and enjoyable experience. This “rewarding and enjoyable” aspect is the very root of my goals as your coach- maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not a chore- it's a privilege. Everyone deserves to be the best version of themselves and we’re gifted with our whole lives to make that happen. 

If I can leave you with one thought, it’s this- think of your health and wellness as a project. Only you are the lead on the assignment. I’ll be here as your mentor and occasional group partner. I will show up for you, and I’ll show you how amazing it feels to show up for yourself.

Let’s Run It.