McGill Method Consultation

struggling with low back pain?

Are you trying to work around an injury that is preventing you from squatting or deadlifting? Or, maybe you’re trying to live life without having to worry about your back bothering you? Whatever your objectives – you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands!

What is the McGill Method?

The McGill Method was developed by world-renowned spine expert Professor Stuart McGill, with over 32 years of scientific research on the lumbar spine in the laboratory and clinic. Over the decades, he has helped thousands of individuals worldwide get out of pain for good and even return to world-record-breaking athletic performance.

This 2-hour assessment will:


The Assessment begins by gathering a detailed history of your back pain or sciatica. This allows us to survey patterns in behaviour, sports, exercise, work habits, lifestyle, etc., to understand your injury history. A precise posture, movement and core stability assessment are used to identify imbalances, pain triggers and injuries.


A summary of the assessment findings and an outline of the next steps are given to you so you have a clear picture of what we will do and why. You will be educated on how to take control of your back health and avoid common back injury scenarios.  


During this point, you will be coached to eliminate your pain triggers by replacing them with pain-free movements, postures and loading patterns that build your spine's capacity.  Removing the cause is a key step to the elimination of back pain/sciatica.  You will be coached through precise movements and exercises that will include addressing muscular deficits, building core stability, and creating mobility.


A detailed written summary of your assessment findings and program will be provided for you to follow along. This may include additional follow-up appointments to ensure fine-tuning of your low back fitness program and to ensure back fitness is restored.